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The Sexual Assault Referral Centre for the Merseyside Area
Call SAFE Place on 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

What happens when you arrive?

Sexual assault can be a terrifying, humiliating and traumatic experience. We aim to provide choice and confidential support to adults or young people following sexual assault or rape.

  • When you arrive at SAFE Place you will be met by one of our crisis workers who will welcome you and organise some refreshments.
  • If you have reported the assault to the police a specially trained police officer (Sexual Offence Liaison Officer or SOLO) will speak to the Forensic Medical Examiner (FME) who will be carrying out your examination.
  • The police officer will give the FME some details of the assault to enable them to carry out the best examination for the client.
  • This examination is different from any other medical examination because its purpose is to gather forensic evidence which can be used by the police to help to identify the person who assaulted you. This evidence can then be used as evidence in court.
  • If you haven’t already reported the assault to the police, you will be asked if you would like to speak to a specially trained police officer (SOLO). If you do, then they can be contacted from SAFE Place to arrange to speak to you.
  • If you do not want the police to be informed then they won’t be! Any information you provide remains confidential, unless you change your mind. You can change your mind the next day or the next year! Any samples taken during the examination will be stored securely for at least two years.


Next: What happens before and during the examination?

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